Friday, 26 September 2014

Hello to Blogger!

Wow, I have wanted to make a blog for some time now, but there always seemed to be some little excuse. I am so unbelievably computer illiterate that it seems crazy that this idea would enter my little head.

Anyways, since having my beautiful little Elsa in April, I thought I would bite the bullet so to speak and tackle the very confusing world of Blogger and create my own little corner of the web.

Before having a child, my life was filled with many things, however Elsa has brought clarity to my life and as cheesy as it sounds, I don't think I was really 'living' until I was blessed with her. This is the reason that I now feel my life is such that I can share it with you all.

I have to admit that I really don't lead the most exciting life, to me, a lovely day would be watching a film with my husband Dane and Elsa, drinking a cup of tea, eating a croissant and slobbing in my pj's until I could be bothered to get dressed. So, why would I be 'exciting' enough to have a blog? I think the honest answer is that, quite frankly, I'm not, but I really wanted to share my experience of being a new mummy with other mummies and mummies to be.

So, here goes!

First of all, I'll share a little about me, I'm Kelly and I'm 28, I live in Yorkshire with my husband, Dane and of course our beautiful little girl Elsa. Dane and I were married in 2012, and until Elsa was born, our wedding day was the most magical day of my life. We have been together for a long time and enjoyed some wonderful times together and we were blessed when we found out that I was expecting.

I have to admit, pregnancy was not a pleasant experience, however it is unpleasant and magical at the same time, when I felt our little bean squirming inside me, I had to most overwhelming sense of pride, that I was put on this earth for something special, and that was to be Elsa's mummy.

So, I'm going to press post now and I will be back shortly.

If you have taken the time to read this post, thank you my friend.

Kelly xxx

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