Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Six months a mum

It seems strange that I should be writing about my six month old, seriously, how did that happen?

My darling Elsa is now half a year old and it only seems like yesterday that I cradled her tiny body in my arms and smelt her sweet scent. Everyday is filled with smiles, chuckles, little cries, lots of food and the odd exploding nappy.

When someone says (before child) that there is no love like the love you have for your child you think, yeah right, but I can totally relate. I would literally walk heaven and earth for my little pudding, she is my world, my heart.

When walking around, people often smile and call her beautiful (she always beams a big smile back) I can feel my heart exploding with immense pride. When someone compliments me, I always do that totally British thing 'oh this old thing/it's only from Primark/are you crazy, I'm really rough today' etc etc, but when someone compliments Elsa I always agree with them, because I know that she is beautiful, funny, amazing, happy, lovely, I could continue.

It's amazing how a little baby can change and grow so much in six months. Elsa has gone from a little bean that just laid in the same spot and cried for milk quite a few times a day, to a wriggly octopus who will not stay still. Dressing her is almost impossible and I am constantly chasing after her when she has rolled the length of the living room, but I would not have it any other way.

A newborn baby is so special and precious, however a six month old is just a bundle of fun and energy and it is just so heartwarming when she wants me for a cuddle.

My darling Elsa has been on this earth for a short space of time, but the impact she has made is incredible. My life just wouldn't be right without her now, she is my life.

So, here's to the next six months, lets see what they bring!

Friday, 26 September 2014

Hello to Blogger!

Wow, I have wanted to make a blog for some time now, but there always seemed to be some little excuse. I am so unbelievably computer illiterate that it seems crazy that this idea would enter my little head.

Anyways, since having my beautiful little Elsa in April, I thought I would bite the bullet so to speak and tackle the very confusing world of Blogger and create my own little corner of the web.

Before having a child, my life was filled with many things, however Elsa has brought clarity to my life and as cheesy as it sounds, I don't think I was really 'living' until I was blessed with her. This is the reason that I now feel my life is such that I can share it with you all.

I have to admit that I really don't lead the most exciting life, to me, a lovely day would be watching a film with my husband Dane and Elsa, drinking a cup of tea, eating a croissant and slobbing in my pj's until I could be bothered to get dressed. So, why would I be 'exciting' enough to have a blog? I think the honest answer is that, quite frankly, I'm not, but I really wanted to share my experience of being a new mummy with other mummies and mummies to be.

So, here goes!

First of all, I'll share a little about me, I'm Kelly and I'm 28, I live in Yorkshire with my husband, Dane and of course our beautiful little girl Elsa. Dane and I were married in 2012, and until Elsa was born, our wedding day was the most magical day of my life. We have been together for a long time and enjoyed some wonderful times together and we were blessed when we found out that I was expecting.

I have to admit, pregnancy was not a pleasant experience, however it is unpleasant and magical at the same time, when I felt our little bean squirming inside me, I had to most overwhelming sense of pride, that I was put on this earth for something special, and that was to be Elsa's mummy.

So, I'm going to press post now and I will be back shortly.

If you have taken the time to read this post, thank you my friend.

Kelly xxx